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Enter The Funniest Human Contest at RallyFwd

You could win a $100 Amazon gift card and, best of all, the title of “The Funniest Human” (at RallyFwd, anyways). Serious bragging rights!

How to Enter

Are YOU the one who can get a belly laugh out of your colleagues right now?

Marla Schultz

Marla Schultz, Headlining standup comedian, actress, speaker & media personality, and your Host for The Funniest Human Contest at RallyFwd

At RallyFwd, Marla Schultz, headlining standup comedian, actress, speaker and media personality, will help three lucky RallyFwd attendees test their joke-telling skills by performing their jokes on-the-spot in front of the RallyFwd audience on Dec. 2, 2020.

If you want to be one of our lucky contestants, here’s how to enter The Funniest Human Contest at RallyFwd:

  1. Register yourself to attend RallyFwd on Dec. 2, 2020 — if you already registered, there is no need to register again
  2. Request participation in the contest using the Request Form below and tell us why we should select you
  3. Complete steps 1-2 by Nov. 4, 2020 at Midnight ET

Selected contestants will be notified by Nov. 9, 2020.

IMPORTANT: You must be available to record the session with Marla and your fellow contestants by Nov. 16, 2020.


  • Session will be recorded between Nov. 11-16, 2020, based on availability of participants
  • Held through a Zoom Meeting, recorded
  • Rally retains the right to edit the video
  • Recorded video will played during RallyFwd on Dec. 2, 2020
  • RallyFwd attendees will vote live during the conference to select a winner from among the contestants
  • If there is a tie, Rally will decide the winner

The winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and, best of all, the title of “The Funniest Human” (at RallyFwd, anyways).

Any questions, please Contact Us.

Complete the form below:

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