Todd Henry, Keynote

Keynote Speaker
Todd Henry, RallyFwd Keynote Speaker

Todd Henry, Keynote

Keynote Speaker


The Motivation Code book

Todd Henry teaches leaders and organizations how to establish practices that lead to everyday brilliance. He is the author of five books —The Accidental Creative, Die Empty, Louder Than Words, Herding Tigers and The Motivation Code — which have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and he speaks and consults across dozens of industries on creativity, leadership and passion for work. With more than 10 million downloads, his podcast The Accidental Creative offers weekly tips for how to stay prolific, brilliant and healthy. Todd’s book Die Empty was named by as one of the best books of 2013.

His latest book, The Motivation Code, is about the hidden forces that drive deep engagement and brilliant work.

At RallyFwd, Todd will help us understand what’s driving the current changes in job seeker behavior, and how you can tap into people’s motivations to attract and retain the right talent for your company.

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