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Jess Almodovar

Senior Content Marketing Manager, ChenMed
Jess Almodovar, Senior Content Marketing Manager, ChenMed

Jess Almodovar

Senior Content Marketing Manager, ChenMed


Jess Almodovar is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at ChenMed, where she leads enterprise-wide content marketing efforts. Her primary focus is creating awareness and educating stakeholders about ChenMed’s messaging and mission through thought leadership, written content, engaging podcast episodes, and other lead-generating content. She has won several content marketing awards, most recently earning first place in the Rally Recruitment Marketing Award for Best Content Marketing Program.

A creative at heart, Jess started her career over 15 years ago as a video editor, designer, and writer and has built her content marketing experience in the IT, telecommunications, tech, and manufacturing spaces.

A South Florida native, when she’s not working, you can typically find Jess spending time with her daughter, reading a book (or writing one), and expressing herself through her love of photography.

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